May 4th 2011
Extra prayer requests from Mustard Seed Jersey:
Since sending out the Mustard Seed Prayer Update
last month while I was in Romania there have been some other needs that have
come to light.
I asked for prayer for Baby CRISTIANA who needs a
liver transplant. I believe it is now very serious and life threatening unless
she has a transplant very quickly. Please remember her parents BENI and DANA in
your prayers. If the transplant goes ahead Beni will
donate a part of his liver. Dana has been with Cristiana in hospital two and
half hours drive away from where they live since before Easter. I have just had
this update from her father Beni:
Thank you for praying for us! At this time
Cristiana is in the hospital and not feeling so well. She cant leave the hospital until the time of the
transplant. Some of the consequences of the ciroses
are coming up: she has some blood circulation problems, she has some liquid in
her stomac and the cirosis
is advanced. Yesturday she started to take some pills
for those problems and hopelly she is going to be beter for some time. But with all of
those problems most of the time she is in a good mood. We know that God
is with her and He's going to take care of her!
Please pray that we can get the money from the state as soon as posible and to go to the transplant. Pray for her current
On my last day in Romania I met with RAUL of Speranta Familiei and heard some
disappointing news. Their plans to convert part of the building into a coffee
shop to generate income to cover the salaries of the social workers have
been rejected. Their source of funding has run out (they had found sponsorship
to cover the cost of the building work). Raul is now a volunteer as there has
been no money to pay his salary since the autumn, and he is managing to
continue to work with support from his family. He is very passionate about the
work Speranta does with education and single parent
There will be a meeting with VICTORIA (the founder
now living in Sweden) soon to decide the future, but Raul believes there is no
option other than to sell the property (their only asset) and shut down the
charity. Please pray for Raul and Victoria for wisdom as they make decisions.
Pray a special blessing for Raul for his commitment.
Please pray for GYONGHYI due to start her hair
dressing course. Pray she will be committed to it and will complete it
IN JERSEY please continue to remember the various
volunteers and their families especially remembering SUE, LUKE, PHIL, and
others whose needs are known to God.
Please continue to pray for wisdom regarding the
purchase of a new trailer and give thanks to God for the help we are receiving
from another Phil.
God bless you very specially as you bless us with
your prayers