Dear Praying Friends
There have been few aid trips which have been as
stressful and complicated as this one! We had problems with last minute vehicle
repairs, driver availability, plans changed due to accident and sickness. But
finally thank God it was all sorted out and our aid lorry with 2,500 Christmas
shoeboxes and other aid is on its way to
Please remember lorry drivers BOB DE LA HAYE and DAVID
GICQUEL in your prayers – they left Jersey in the afternoon of Tuesday 4th
– they are due to arrive in Romania on Thursday 6th / Friday 7th.
They plan to leave
After it seeming that there would be a party of up to
7 of us going down to distribute food parcels and shoeboxes, it has ended up
being just me (ROSE HELIE) and the 2 drivers. I should be grateful for your
prayers as I fly out on Thursday 6th – there are some decisions to
be made so I would value prayer for wisdom as well as safety.
In your prayers please remember PHIL PALLOT (my
husband) as he stays in
There are a number of our volunteers who either have
health problems themselves or have family members with very serious health
problems. We ask for your prayers for Barry, Phil, Margaret, Pauline, David,
Carol-Anne and others.
We heard that GIZELLA has died. She
was a pensioner suffering from severe untreated Parkinson’s disease who
was sleeping outside at one stage. We are glad we provided a wooden shed for
her to live in for the last few months of her life as it was so much better
than where she was before and she was pathetically thrilled with it. Pray for
us for wisdom to know how to best use the wooden shed to assist another needy
Pray for the Kalaus family who have
been on our sponsorship programme – they have serious problems.
Praise God for good news and answered
prayer. Kathy Langston has finally received the various permissions she needs
to adopt the two little girls she has been fostering.
Praise God that at the moment we have
74 pensioners sponsored – this is a considerable increase from last year. Many
pensioners are in great need, so pray more people will come forward to help.
Remember the outreaches Ken and
Florence Holmes are involved with – especially their Project Simon programme of
monthly food parcels to people.
Pray for ROSVITA who has just married
MARIUS – Rosita was in one of our sponsored apartments for young women who had
been brought up in the state orphanage system. (This is third young woman to
marry out of the apartments – often the lack of love they received in
early childhood at the orphanage makes the young people unable to give or
receive love).
Much love and care has gone into the packing of the
Christmas shoeboxes, please pray they will be a real blessing to those who
receive them.
Keeping in touch
Using the words from the closing prayer at my church
on Sunday, may the Lord help us all to be active in His service and joyful in His
praise as we prepare to celebrate Christmas.
Greetings to you and all your family
Rose Helie