Mustard Seed Jersey Prayer Update December
CHRISTMAS AID CONSIGNMENT due to leave Jersey for St Malo on Saturday November 30th, and drivers BOB
DE LA HAYE and SEAN POWER follow and begin driving on the evening of Sunday
December 1st. It is expected they will arrive in Romania evening of
Tuesday 3rd. Please pray for SAFETY as they travel. Please pray too
for their families.
SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST – on the last 2 trips our drivers have
experienced a great need of hassle at one of the borders, please pray the
officials will be just and reasonable.
HILARY (one of the Mustard Seed trustees) and ROSE (that’s me) leave for
Romania (flying) on Saturday December 1st. Pray we will make wise decisions about the
best use of resources.
are due in Romania on Saturday December 8th. Please remember the students in prayer RACHAEL, BETHAN, HANNAH, EMILY, EVIE and INDIA and also the members of
staff MARTA and SHARON.
GIVE THANKS that in spite of the recession we
received 600 shoeboxes more than last year, making a total of 2850. Give thanks
for all those who helped or contributed in any way.
Pray for ALEX as he organises the Christmas shoebox distribution for
Mustard Seed Romania – as he will have many more requests for shoeboxes than he
can fulfil, pray for wisdom for him.
Pray for the work of AGAPE a foundation that offers life skills
education programme to young people brought up in state orphanages and needing
help to become independent. Several of their young people are now fending for
themselves in their own apartments.
As the weather gets colder pray for those who are HOMELESS on the
streets of Oradea, pray for outreaches like FI and others that they will have
compassion and wisely use their resources, but also for the wisdom and courage
to know who they can help and who they sadly cannot help.
PRAYER CHANGES THINGS - please continue to pray