AID TRIP TO ROMANIA – George and Sue Perchard leave on Sunday evening (4th October) to begin the 3000 mile round trip to Cefa in Romania.

·        Please pray for SAFETY as they travel

·        This time for the first time for over 10 years, the French road toll companies are not giving us exemption on the toll roads for our aid truck. (A sign of these times when money is tight). George hopes to investigate using another route avoiding the toll roads – pray for wisdom that he will make the best use of the resources of time and funds).

·        Praise God for the many things on the trailer that were requested and amazingly have been received, including a tractor, various implements for the tractor, irrigation pumps, stair lifts and many other things we had prayed for and appealed for.


NELU – Nelu’s medical treatment is going well for which we thank God. Pray for that continuing success and for his complete healing. We thank God that we have raised all the money we hoped for to assist paying for Nelu’s treatment.


PENSIONERS NEEDING SPONSORS – a number of our vulnerable Romanian pensioners are without sponsors so far this winter. Thank God for all the sponsors who assist in any way and pray God will move others to help also.


MUSTARD SEED’S CASA MABEL home for the homeless at Cefa.

Although most living there are pensioners, not all are, but all need love and a home. The combination of young and old living together works well.

·        Pray for our elderly residents MARIA, TEREZ and ANA

·        Pray for FLORI who lives there and her need for a kidney transplant

·        Pray for the staff – for Nelu the supervisor, for Dana the social worker, for Violeta the nurse. Pray for Adela who helps with the elderly and for the other young women  living upstairs.

·        Pray for wisdom as more elderly ask to move to Casa Mabel.



·        Pray for the KINDERGARTEN at Cefa and especially for MARIANNA the senior and very dedicated teacher, ADELINA the other teacher who believes God led her to work there and for others who assist. Pray for the 40+ CHILDREN who benefit.

·        Pray for the HOMEWORK CLUBS at Cefa and Berechiu and for the teachers who assist; pray the children will all be encouraged (many of them have no encouragement at home regarding school work).

·        Pray for the young people attending high school after obtaining high enough grades through homework clubs.


Give thanks and pray for ALEX and RODY STROIE who head up all the work of Mustard Seed Romania.


Kathy Langston would value prayer for her adopted daughters CODI & ANDREA as they sometimes struggle with their school work.


CATARACT OPERATIONS – Nelu and Cristina identified the need for funding to pay for cataract operations as a priority need. Pray Mustard Seed will be successful raising money to pay for more cataract operations – since May we have managed to pay for 2 but there are many more facing imminent blindness through lack of money to pay for the cataract surgery.


JERSEY VOLUNTEERS – there are various of our Jersey volunteers needing God’s healing – please remember them in prayer.


CHRISTMAS APPEAL – please pray for success and wisdom as we plan the December shoebox and food parcel trip. As funds are increasingly tight, please pray we will have sufficient Christmas shoeboxes and money for food parcels to give to those who really are in need.


Please continue to bless us with your prayers

God bless you

Rose Helie




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