Mustard Seed
Jersey Prayer Update May 2014
aid trailer is due to leave St Malo en route to
Romania on the evening of Sunday May 4th. Please pray a special
blessing on the French drivers MICHEL and HERVE. [Ever since we started Michel
in St Malo has assisted us in countless ways; for the
last 4 years Herve has kindly loaned us a tractor
unit for each aid trip free of charge]
expected arrival time in Romania will be Tuesday evening / Wednesday morning,
returning to St Malo by the evening of Saturday 10th.
Pray for safety and success.
LAMBERT & I (ROSE) fly to Romania on Monday May 5th till
Wednesday May 14th, to help with distribution and to visit and
monitor various projects. Please pray for us for safe travel and wisdom as some
decisions will need to be taken.
for prayer for Mustard Seed’s work in ROMANIA, based especially around projects
we plan to visit, especially where decisions need to be made:
« Casa Mabel – pray
for wisdom for any future expansion.
« Casa Mabel – we
have the possibility of purchasing a 2nd hand lift, pray for wisdom
in this matter
« Mustard Seed
Jersey has been asked to assist in the setting up of a farm – pray Hilary and I
(and the Trustees in Jersey) will be blessed with real insight to know whether
the reservations we presently feel are divine guidance.
« Pray for our
friend Simona the social worker who is working with
repatriated victims of people trafficking. Pray against this modern practice of
slavery. Thank God for Simona’s compassion and
remember her in prayer.
Ř Thinking ahead to
our next aid trip:
o Wisdom about the
best way to load
o Drivers for the
autumn trip and the December trip
Ř Continue to pray
for the right vehicle for our local collections etc.
continue to pray for the UKRAINE that God’s will will be done in Ukraine and His kingdom come.
continue to bless Mustard Seed Jersey with your prayers.
His service ~ Rose