Mustard Seed Jersey
Prayer Update July / August 2022
Dear Praying Friends
and Supporters
Much has
happened since the last prayer update. We have sent 2 consignments of humanitarian
aid to Romania – approximately one third was sent to Ukraine via Romania. In
Jersey we have been amazed at the continued provision and generosity which has
enabled us to assist the Ukrainians as much as we have.
In May trustee Helen Gunton and her daughter Bethany accompanied me to Romania
which was challenging, encouraging, & informative. We were able to spend
time with some of the Ukrainian refugees and were impressed by their resilience
and gratitude.
In April we asked for
your prayers for
SORIN a Ukrainian
pastor and his colleagues in Ukraine, Sorin has sent us several video messages
outlining his gratitude for our help. Based in Ukraine near the Romanian
border, he says they often can have up to 100+ people needing food each day.
ALEX of Mustard Seed
Romania & his involvement with the refugee families. We were impressed by
how Alex is handling the logistics of caring for up to 70 refugees and sending
some of the aid from Jersey on to Ukraine, as well as purchasing food for the
Romania : With rising costs the poor and even those who are not very poor are
struggling to cover utilities, taxes, food and when heating is needed it is
even harder. Most of our beneficiaries are really struggling to survive now.
Nelu from AVS asks for prayer for the following:
o For Nelu
himself wisdom and provision for him and his family as he seeks employment (due
to rising costs the foundation he worked for is no longer able to pay his
o For AVS Changed Lives Project - thanking
God fir the greenhouses and provision of vegetables they have grown, praising
God that as well as selling some of the produce they have been able to bless
the poor. They would love an extra greenhouse to grow more crops as they have
the space.
o Prayer for wisdom and direction of their
AVS ministry and the schools drugs and substance abuse programme Nelu and his wife have been running.
o Prayer for the complicated health needs
of 6 of the AVS sponsored pensioners - Adrieena, Contanta, Antel , Gasov, Katia, Ana
continue to pray for peace between UKRAINE & RUSSIA.
for SORIN and his colleagues in Ukraine. Praise God for the provision they have
received and pray God continues to supply needs as they continue their
outreach. A priority need Sorin has highlighted is for food to feed hungry
displaced people.
for ALEX as he continues his work with refugees living in Mustard Seed Romania
premises and for his work channeling aid to Ukraine
JERSEY we are now planning for our Christmas shoebox appeal. We hope to send
some shoeboxes to Ukraine as well as to Romania. Pray for wisdom and
favour. We plan a further 2 aid consignments this year - one in October sending
warm clothes, blankets etc for both Ukraine and Romania. The final one in
December including the Christmas shoeboxes.
prayer for WISDOM for us in Jersey: As our transport costs rise and rise we ask
for prayer for wisdom to know whether it is still good use of funds to send the
goods away to Romania and Ukraine.
Please continue
to bless Mustard Seed and those who we assist in both Romania and Ukraine with
your prayers
In His service