LORRY - For months now I have been asking for your
prayers for us to find a suitable new lorry for local collections and
transporting packed goods to our trailer for loading. We could find nothing in
Jersey. In the last month, my cousin (based in UK) offered his help and has
located and on our behalf purchased a vehicle that sounds excellent. It should
be arriving in Jersey within the next week or two. I believe that Peter
and Phil have really blessed us with their help - please pray God’s
blessing on them and on their families and businesses.
NEXT AID TRIP – We plan to use a Romanian
haulier to take the relief aid from St Malo to
Romania later this month / early in October, but we are struggling with the customs
paperwork requirements. Thank God for David and Michel in France and
the work they are doing to attempt to sort this out, but please remember this
in prayer, as a number of issues are not yet resolved. (Following on from the
accident involving our volunteer driver in May 2013, it has become increasingly
difficult to obtain insurance and so we are using this method for the autumn
HEALING AND SUPPORT – There are a number of
our volunteers who are going through tough times – please remember them in prayer:
Liz, Bernie, Phil, Marta and others.
Please remember the Stroie
family (heading up Mustard Seed Romania) in your prayers. Alex and Rody Stroie’s older daughter Rebekah (14 or 15) has had the opportunity to spend
a year in USA. Alex and Rody travel
over there for a 11 day vacation in the middle of
September, during which Alex will include some speaking engagements for Mustard
Seed Romania among the supporters based in USA. Alex and Rody
have a son Abiel and younger daughter Raisa. Please remember the whole family in your prayers.
There are various churches in USA that
support Alex’s work, many of whom we have met over the years and been
encouraged to see their faithful commitment to help. We give thanks for the
families and churches of Steve and of Tom (who focus on building projects), and
of another church that helps by sending a medical team. Pray that they will all
be blessed, encouraged and guided as to the best way ahead.
While Alex is away, Sergio and wife Violeta Ioana will
be running Mustard Seed Romania.
Romanian schools re-open on
September 15th. Please remember the education projects with which
Mustard Seed Jersey is involved: Homework Clubs in Cefa
(MSR) and Oradea (FI); education sponsorship for needy young people in Oradea
(FI) and Pagaia (MSR); kindergartens in Cefa (MSR) and Oradea (Vineyard). As some of the children
and young people receive little/no help and encouragement from their families,
please pray the teachers will truly inspire them and that the young people will
make the best possible use of the opportunities offered to them.
For several years we have provided
various resources to assist Simona a government
social worker assisting the repatriated victims. At her request we are no
longer liaising directly with her but she has asked that we continue to assist
the victims via an NGO (non government organisation). We pray that as this is
worked out the victims will not suffer unnecessarily. Please continue to pray for Simona in her front line role among the victims.
As we see from the news there are
many needs and problems in Ukraine. Please remember this country in your
prayers and pray the unrest and violence there will not affect their neighbour
continue to bless us with your prayers, remembering that PRAYER CHANGES THINGS
His service