Mustard Seed’s Adopt a Granny Programme



Irma Hegedus

In this photo an elderly couple Mr & Mrs H  opened the box packed by their sponsor in May 2009. Mrs H wept with joy on discovering the contents.

We noticed she had deformed wrists and asked about this. We learnt she had fallen several times and broken both her wrists, because she could not see where she was going. Further questions revealed she was extremely short-sighted and had broken her glasses but could not afford to replace them.

Mr H was also nearly blind as he needed cataract surgery on both eyes, he was unable to see more than 3 metres ahead, but again could not afford to pay for the medical procedure and so faced imminent blindness.


Even although Romania has joined the EU there are a number of vulnerable people in Romania who simply cannot make ends meet. The neediest group are the pensioners. Mustard Seed’s Adopt-A-Granny Sponsorship programme aims to give a helping hand. It works side by side with our aid distribution, medical & educational support programmes.


PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING OUR ADOPT A GRANNY FOR THE WINTER SCHEME.  The need is greatest in the winter, so your help is most needed from September – March. If you can sponsor the pensioner all year so much the better but the need is greatest in the winter.


Some frequently asked questions:

How does sponsorship work? Each month (or quarter or year if you prefer) you pay an agreed amount of money into Mustard Seed’s Sponsorship Account.  Money from this account is regularly sent to Romania specifically to benefit the people who are sponsored. Continuity is important. We prefer it if you pay in advance (a minimum of 6 months in advance) or by standing order. A Standing Order Form is included in the response sheet. Please return the response sheet to us. [If you decide to give a lump sum which is over £100, then Mustard Seed as a registered charity can claim a refund on income tax].

Will I know the pensioner’s name? Yes, within a month of our receiving your money you should have received a profile on “your” pensioner usually with a photo.

Will I have updates on progress? Yes, you will receive reports at least twice a year. 

How much money should I give? For a PENSIONER we ask £16 per month. 

Can I send my pensioner a parcel?  So long as we have a lorry going out to Romania at a suitable time it is possible for us to transport your parcel; we will ask for a small donation to cover the cost of transport and delivery.

Can I be sure the money will be well used? Yes you can. Our social workers administer the money and monitor things closely. Together with the pensioner they decide on the priority needs. Usually pensioners select food, but sometimes they prioritise fuel or medication.


A response sheet is attached with a standing order form if you would want to help us help needy Romanian pensioners. Please fill it in and return it to us at Cardiff House, St Peter, Jersey JE3 7EJ





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