We got up early this morning, while it was still dark
to see Flori off on her 700 kilometre drive across
I have been quite appalled by some of the things I
have learned during this trip – especially about what I believe is corruption
in the medical profession. I have always known that as Flori is a gypsy she
tends to be poorly treated in hospitals. She has been having kidney dialysis
for the last 6 years but until very recently was never put on the list although
she fulfils all criteria for a transplant. Alex was saying that it was only
when he and Rody went to the hospital and asked the doctors that they
discovered she was not on the list. A junior doctor is the husband of one of
Rody’s class mates. When Rody asked him
about his wife, telling him how she knew her, the doctor’s attitude changed
towards Flori and now he is really exceptionally helpful and taking a special
interest in her.
When it became apparent that the recent previous
operations to insert the tubes for dialysis into her other arm had failed, this
doctor advised as to which hospital they should take Flori for the urgent and
quite technical operation to insert these tubes in her neck. At one hospital
(although the treatment should be free) if a gift of 500 euros is not made to
the surgeon the result will not be good, so the doctor advised that the Iasi
hospital (although so far away) would be better as the expected gift is much
much less.
We spoke to Flori this evening and she said they are
almost at
Phil and I took today as a rest day. We declined going
to church, as in all honesty it is a bit of a waste of time as we cannot follow
the service at all in Romanian and the services tend to be at least 2 hours
long, often with 2 very long sermons. I went for a walk instead and Phil lay on
the bed.
After lunch we went into
We had a lovely time as they opened their shoeboxes.
They were overjoyed with it all but especially appreciative of the fact that we
had sent washing powder as well – a sign of how tough things are for them
making ends meet on the minimum wage. They all prayed in turn for Phil and me
which was really moving.
Gyonghy is now living in an apartment with girls from
another charitable foundation. There had been discussion as to whether she
would move to Cefa to Casa Mabel, but it seems to me she has matured and has
more confidence, really blossomed being more on her own. She is close to Nicu’s
Girls apartment and spends a lot of time with them – she is especially friendly
with Ana.
It is our last night at Casa Mabel – tomorrow we move
on to Caminul Felix and work with the trusts in town. Reflecting on our time
here (the first since the older women moved in) I am so very pleased with it
all. The mixture of young and old works brilliantly – Alex’s idea was right, in
spite of my initial reservations. The older ladies enjoy the company of the younger ones. They were really
laughing at the jokes between Phil and Estera tonight. This place has such a
good feel. We can see the improvement in how relaxed the girls are and how well
they relate to and care for the older ladies. Adela is especially good with the
older women – she works as an assistant carer here and she really works hard
and is so loving. It has been really good staying at Casa Mabel – money well
spent in building it, all that effort fund-raising was well worth while.