Seed Jersey Prayer Update August 2019
August 24th 2019
The month of August is traditionally the
time when the Romanian social workers have well deserved holidays. Schools will
not be starting till about September 15th. We pray for refreshment
for the SOCIAL WORKERS with whom we work.
On August 31st Rebeca the oldest
child of Alex and Rody Stroie
is due to marry – so we ask for your prayers for REBECA and BOGDAN.
Our next AID CONSIGNMENT is planned for
the end of September, arriving in Romanian early in October.
Following that it will be our CHRISTMAS
SHOEBOX aid consignment – we have no option but to wait and see what happens
with Brexit and the implications for humanitarian aid.
We GIVE THANKS for the premises for our
Christmas shoebox appeal and for generosity of many people who have helped us providing
for various of the needs we have identified, including toothpaste for the
Christmas shoeboxes and some specific items of equipment foe which we asked through
our facebook page.
our last prayer update we asked some specific prayers requests which we had
received from the Romanian trusts. I want to update you:
We have had no update from ADPB as to whether they have resolved
their staffing problems and challenges with regulations. But we have received
some of the items they requested.
asked for help with funding for their 2 homework clubs – I have sent in an
application to a trust fund asking for assistance but so far have not heard back – so please
continue your prayers.
also asked for prayer for more bookings for their holiday club, they have sent
photos of at least one group using the facilities. Knowing Alex is undoubtedly
busy with her daughter’s wedding preparations, it is understandable we haven’t
had further updates.
For AVS I have applied for funding for their homework club,
which would enable them to run it for days a week during term time instead of
just 1 or 2 days, but due to holidays, etc I have not yet heard if funding will
be available.
No further monies have come in for the toilets and the building
project so please continue your prayers.
continue to bless Mustard Seed with your prayers
In His
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